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Topic Forum Description Discussions
Topic 1 Discussion Forum Theme 1

Right to Development is still not justiciable (enforceable) before courts of law in many jurisdictions. Is it then, still valid to call it a human right? Is this so called right, not merely a window-dressing, if there is no court that can make government’s accountable for its violation or ...

Topic 2 Discussion Forum Theme 2

Do you think that RtD can ever be made operational in real terms, given that it is so all-comprehensive? Or is it only a fantastic rhetoric that is incapable of being translated into practice? Two readings might help you better analyze this question. One is the Endorois case which is an example ...

Topic 3 Discussion Forum Theme 3

Development aid in the present form is clearly problematic, with some arguing that it is ineffective, and others arguing that it is nothing but an instrument of foreign policy for the donor countries. How do we make sure that development aid works for what it is meant i.e. development?

Topic 4 Discussion Forum Theme 4

Read this story at and discuss the opening question in the story. Should a revolutionary humanitarian food product be protected by commercial patent, when lifting restrictions might save millions of starving children?

Topic 5 Discussion Forum Theme 5

How do you assess the MDGs in the context of the nexus between human rights and development? Are we better off with the MDGs the way they are, or is a radically new approach necessary? How should the new panel working on updating the MDGs approach the revision process?