This course seeks to clarify theoretical and conceptual frameworks for understanding the role of education in times of emergencies as well as educational strategies and practices essential in helping to prevent and/or overcome such emergencies, including armed conflicts and "natural” disasters.It is now recognized that although basic needs (e.g. water, food, shelter, physical security) are vital for emergencies-affected peoples and communities, education is likewise crucial. Drawing on exemplars from diverse regions, the course will examine a range of purposes that education can and should fulfill in emergency situations as part of a holistic humanitarian response and the broader challenge of building a culture of peace relevant for refugees, internally displaced peoples, ex-combatants and other vulnerable groups such as women and children to overcome physical and psychosocial trauma and suffering caused by displacement and loss of regular educational provision. Both formal and non-formal educational approaches and contexts, as well as curriculum and   teaching-learning processes will be considered.